Beginner Fly Tying Class, Learn the basics of fly tying in these 4 classes: Materials and tools provided.
Dates: Tentative dates mid January 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11

This is the course for Beginners! Learn the basic fundamentals of fly tying. We will spend one night each on, Wet Flies, Nymphs, Streamers and Dry Flies. Course includes all hooks and materials and tools, Bring yourself and If you have your own tools and vise bring them. Course will be held at Black Dog Outdoor Sports.

A 4 week course, 5:30-7PM each class, one night per week on Tuesdays for 4 weeks.

and step-by-step patterns sheets and recipes for each fly tied provided.

Limited to 8 students per session”

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